Our story & Journey

This blog, is about the loss of our beautiful baby girl Kyla Sian, who gained her angel wings to early 7-3-14, its our story, our journey, our hopes & dreams, and my feelings on coping with this huge loss that no person should ever have to face.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

#captureyourgrief 2016 #whathealsyou Day 6 Empthay


Emotion -  its ok to show us your emotions, its our grief but we are fully aware that our story and our girl mattered to you to, showing us your emotion is ok, you will not upset us you will show us how much you care and that means so much to us.

Milestones - Through loosing our girl, we have lost our future with her, we have lost every little milestone, her first words, firsts steps, first birthday, first everything and this is our forever we will always be missing out on these milestones, help us on birthdays to celebrate her, help us to remember her, a little message to say I'm thinking of you today is all we need.

Patience - Allow us time, time to grieve, be patient with us as we try and find our way again, yes we will be a pain in the ass most of the time, but please don't give up on us, stick with us and with a little patience you'll help us through.

Advice - This is one where everyone wants to make you feel better, they have opinions and say all the not so helpful wrong things ;-) , reality is nothing will make us feel better, my advise is just be there you don't have to try and say the right things or try and say things as to why our baby isn't here, trust me you just being present is all we need.

Talk - Talk to us, talk about our baby this is what helps more than anything, you don't need to fill the silence with a random conversation, just talk to us, ask us how we are really feeling, how we are really doing, as time passes and you see us smiling again know we are still hurting so talk to us continue talking to us.

Hug - Hugs!! A big hug, everyone likes a hugs even me who can be totally awkward to one hugs help too. Hugs show love and that you care and this is what matters.

Aware - There will be triggers all over that remind us of what we are missing, so if you notice a silence, a little smile with a tear in our eyes, be aware that we are remembering and probably thinking of what would have been, how they would have been.

Years - As time passes, days into weeks. months into years,no matter how much times has passed, we will always be missing our little baby, our arms will still ache for them and our hearts will always be scarred with our babys print of life and love. Take time each year on their special date to remember them with us.

Kyla Sian O'Rourke our precious little angel above
Remember her with us.

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