Our story & Journey

This blog, is about the loss of our beautiful baby girl Kyla Sian, who gained her angel wings to early 7-3-14, its our story, our journey, our hopes & dreams, and my feelings on coping with this huge loss that no person should ever have to face.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

#captureyourgrief 2016 #whathealsyou Day 5 The unspoken

The unspoken

Miscarriage, baby loss, child loss this is the unspoken

1 in 4 people experience a loss

1 in 4!!! There are so many people who have experienced this deep heartache, so many people who are scared to talk about it, so many people who don't have support, who keep it all bottled in like they should move on and not to live in the past, its the unspoken taboo subject of miscarriage, baby loss and child loss.
Death touches us all no one can escape it, everyone will grieve and suffer the heartache of loss during the life.
So why when it comes to the miscarriage,baby loss and children should people feel like they cant talk about it.....
I always vowed i would never not speak about Kyla but there have been times when the question comes at me, is this your only baby speaking about my boy, i hate that sometimes i have answered yes, i have answered yes because i don't want to go there and see that look in peoples eyes, the shock, why is she telling me this, the pity in peoples faces and ok lets move on quickly.
No lets not move on quickly let me speak of my girl saying her name just for a second means the world.
I know its hard to hear, i know you cant help but be shocked and look at me with the sadness in your eyes, i know you want to move on quickly in fear of upsetting me.
But please know when i haven't acknowledged my girl through fear of hurting you, or fear of you thinking of me differently, its cut me like a knife and i have hated myself. If i do have the courage to answer no this is my second child, i lost my baby girl, don't brush me off too fast, let me tell you her name so i can tell you she mattered and she is loved beyond the world itself. It wont upset me i live with it daily its my forever.
Lets break the silence and make it something that people feel they can speak about freely just like death at an old age we can easily speak of this so lets make this subject the same.
My poor nana lost a baby girl, and hardly ever spoke of her, i would hear her name every so often, no one knows what happened, no one knows what she looked like or her birth weight, my nana had to carry on because back then that's how it was, how she coped i don't know i admire her strength so much.
Times have changed and we now have the voices and the opportunity to speak more about this, there are many social groups around many people spreading the awareness, as 1 in 4 means there are so many of us.
Capture your grief blows social media up the number of people participating is huge which speaks volumes, spread the awareness and let this not be the unspoken.
Every baby/child mattered and forever will.

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