Our story & Journey

This blog, is about the loss of our beautiful baby girl Kyla Sian, who gained her angel wings to early 7-3-14, its our story, our journey, our hopes & dreams, and my feelings on coping with this huge loss that no person should ever have to face.

Monday, 23 March 2015

28 weeks! 3rd Trimester!

Week  28 

Hello 3rd Trimester!
Hello constant anxiety & worry, well that's always been there but it seems to be stepping up a gear!
As the weeks are ticking by quite quickly, I guess the more real it all feels that my little man is going to be here soon.
My head is spinning thinking of everything and the one thing I cant stop thinking about it just getting him here safely. No matter how much reassurance it get, I cant stop the thoughts coming in.
It makes it so hard because Kyla was fine all the way through, she scored 8 out of 8 2 days before she was due, so its really hard to think ok he's ok, we have had a scan and all is good, because things where good last time!
But the c section date is all booked in now, and this is where its totally different, but still... I just want my baby to cry, I just want to hear his cry and see him wriggling.
What if things for me just go wrong at the end....its like the final hurdle, the major big step, breathe baby breathe, be alive.
I'm scared for him, he wont have the build up of being able to get ready like they do in labour as he'll just be pulled out, poor little thing, one minute he's in my belly the next he's out.
Urgh I just know to many stories now, I know too much of what can go wrong!
I cant wait to meet him, I just want him here safely in my arms.....alive.

Ok so what's been going on, in the last few weeks, I have felt him move like crazy! Totally different to what we felt with Kyla, I swear we will see his little foot inprint soon or his hand! He's awesome he pushes your hand up and down, and you can feel a little thing rolling around. I love it but it does feel crazy, not sure if its his knee or elbow, or even his hand!!
We had a quick scan a few days ago, we have our main 28 week one tomorrow to check on growth etc, and he was playing with his boy bits haha!! I nearly died when the guy scanning us said "oh he's being naughty and playing with his boy bits"....... really can they do that in the womb...is he going to be a big boy haha....I guess as he's kinda scrunched up he can find them easily.
So funny, that will be a moment for his 21st birthday!
My iron  levels are really low at 7 :( same as they was with Kyla. I don't like things being similar!
So I'm on the iron tablets and Iodine, Vitamin C & still on the aspirin.
They will be testing me for GBS soon which I'm so curious to know if it will show up or not....
Gosh I swear if I go into early labour and my waters break I will freak out.....all I will think is that the GBS is there and that's its going to get to him! Please don't let this happen, please!
As much a c section scares me, I cant go into labour I just cant, but I have a feeling I will for some reason, this is me where talking about, nothing goes to plan.

Its going to be a long 11 weeks, but hey time is ticking.
3RD trimester count down begins!

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